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School Visits
The John Locke Institute provides speakers to schools and universities in Britain and America in order to challenge stale thinking and stimulate debate, and in order to inspire students to be more ambitious in developing and pursuing their academic passions. Speakers from the Institute have addressed audiences from all kinds of schools and universities on a range of subjects, including 'John Locke and the Origin of Property Rights', 'How to End Poverty', 'What use are Economists?', 'What really caused the Global Financial Crisis?', 'Economics and the Environment', 'Why the Government is Bad for Education', and 'The Ethics of Capitalism'.
The John Locke Institute is entirely independent and has no formal affiliation with any school or university, but we have considerable expertise in how to choose the university and degree course to suit each individual, and we have a very successful record of advising students how to prepare an impressive application. We are always happy to supply guest speakers to help students make an informed choice about where to apply, and how to give themselves the best chance of success at their favourite institution. In particular, we welcome opportunities to advise American students and American schools on why applying to UK universities is often an excellent idea, and how to do it well, and we welcome the chance to help British students understand the virtues of the American universities, and how to navigate the U.S. admissions system.
If you would like to invite us to visit your school or university, please contact us at education@johnlocke.com.

Thomas E.Walsh, Jr. is a Distinguished Fellow of the John Locke Institute.
He attended the elite Roxbury Latin School, America's oldest secondary school, before taking a degree (magna cum laude) with a double major in Classics and English from Bowdoin College, and a graduate degree in Social Sciences at Dartmouth.
One of the most respected college counsellors in the United States, Tom is Director of College Guidance at Roxbury Latin, widely renowned for its unsurpassed record of supporting its students' ambitions to enter the most competitive universities in America. Tom is chairman of the Committee on Current Trends of the New England Association of College Admission Counsellors.
We are delighted that, from time to time, Tom makes himself available to British schools and British students interested in understanding the US universities admissions process. Please contact us if you would like to know more about inviting Tom to visit your school.

"I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for your inspiring speech at Dulwich College... Even after you left, your speech raised intense and heated debates and discussions here."
Przemyslaw Macholak
Chairman of the Economics Society

"Thank you very much again for your fascinating and thought-provoking lecture on ethics and economics as part of the Quarterdeck series of seminars at the United Kingdom Defence Academy."
Commander N.J. McNally, Royal Navy

"Mr Cox's talk on freedom and liberty challenged my pre-existing ideas and forced me to defend my own ideas for what I saw as the role of government. He was at once knowledgeable, engaging and funny. Exeter students loved him!"
Rohan Pavuluri
President of the Democratic Club, Phillips Exeter Academy, Harvard Class of 2018
"Martin gave a thought-provoking and stimulating talk on the merits of capitalism, introducing students and adults alike to ideas which many had previously not considered. His provocative suggestions stimulated lively discussion in subsequent economics classes."
Tom Allen,
Former Head of Economics, Eton College