Seminars in political economy, public policy, law, international relations, and US legal and political history with professors from Georgetown and George Mason. Public policy briefings at think tanks across the political spectrum and from officials at national or multinational institutions, such as the World Bank or the IMF.
You should submit a written application via our website. Before your interview you will be asked to submit an essay.
Successful candidates are then invited to interview with our Academic Dean or one of our other senior faculty members. This is our chance, and yours, to determine
whether you would flourish in our Visiting Scholars Program, and whether you would
enrich the experience of the other students on the course.

Our Visiting Scholars Program attracts some of the brightest young minds in the world, who all come together to collaborate on a journey of intellectual humility. Together, you’ll get to explore the exciting and vibrant city of Washington D.C.
John Locke alumni (students who attended one or more of our courses in the past) and their brother and/or sister can apply for the visiting scholars program at reduced fees.
Alumni Grant: 20%
Sibling Grant: 10%
Ambassador Grant: 40% (which includes the alumni grant)
Our alumni-ambassadors help us to raise the profile of the Institute with their schools, their friends and the public, and our donors contribute funds to subsidise the fees for our ambassadors to attend future courses.

We can introduce you to other opportunities to make the rest of your Gap Year extraordinary, after you finish our programme. Previous students have moved on to a wide range of exciting activities. One went on to do economic research for an operation set up by the University of Oxford; another researched and wrote an academic article for the magazine Economic Affairs; several have spent the remainder of their Gap Year working for British, American and Swiss investment banks and hedge funds. We have organised invitations for internships in New York, Washington D.C., London, Milan and Nairobi. Our own internship programme runs from January to June each year.
Your connection with the John Locke Institute doesn't come to a close when you head off to university. We organise alumni events and reunions in New York, Chicago, Boston, London and Oxford from time to time, and we count it as a point of pride that so many of our students stay in touch for many years after finishing.