Why Take a Gap Year?

Applying to University

How We Can Help
Around half our students apply to universities in more than one country, usually both Britain and the United States. We encourage British students to broaden their horizons by looking beyond their own shores. John Locke alumni have headed off to the best of the best: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, Berkeley, University of Chicago, and Stanford. An American undergraduate degree is typically much broader than the British equivalent, allowing students to select from a vast array of subjects to explore before they settle on their 'major'. Leading universities in the U.S. have the reputation (and the money!) to attract outstanding teachers and world-famous academics, and they provide facilities that are unsurpassed anywhere in the world.
We encourage our American students to consider making an application to Oxford or Cambridge, universities quite unlike anything else in the world. The mediæval historic settings of both Oxford and Cambridge, including buildings dating back to pre-Norman eleventh century, are a magical backdrop for three or four years of your life. The Oxford tutorials, or Cambridge supervisions, provide a learning opportunity which is rare and valuable, and the pedigree of academic excellence continues to foster very high standards of scholarship.
Whether you are planning to apply in the UK, the US or both, the John Locke Institute wants you to aim high, and we want to support you on your journey.